Click on New form in the toolbar or select 'New' from the "Form" menu to create a form with default parameters. After a form is displayed click on the desired control in the toolbar. That control will appear pressed and remain pressed until another control is selected or the select button is clicked. Click at the location on the form where the control is to be placed and drag the mouse to create the control. Alternatively just click at desired location to create a control of default size. Additional controls of the same type can quickly be added by simply clicking on the form. Note that if you need to select a group of controls or position any the select button from the toolbar will need to be clicked. (If the mouse cursor changes to a hand when hovering over a control it indicates "select" mode - a control can be selected and/or moved - otherwise it is in "control" mode i.e the selected control will be added if the mouse is clicked)
Below is an example of a new form with a single pushbutton control.
Click and drag controls ( make sure you are in "select" mode! ) to reposition them on the form. Click and drag on any of the four handles at the corner of the control to modify its size.
The Group Action dialog is shown below. The designated function for each button should be self-explanatory. However, a word of explanation for the position/size adjustment. Set the value for the adjustment in the spinnercontrol, select from the radiobuttons which attribute to change, then click the appropiate arrow. The up/right arrows and the left/down arrows achieve identical results for size adjustments.
Right click on a control and select 'Properties' to modify its name, caption etc.
To modify a form's properties right click anywhere in the form and select 'Properties' from the menu. The following form will be displayed.
If 'Modal Form' is selected the form will behave like a modal dialog i.e. access to it's parent will be denied until the form is closed. Note that the parent window must be set for the form.
'Save screen location' allows a form to remember its last screen location when it is closed. When next displayed it will return to that saved location.
If 'Status Bar' is checked the form will be compiled and shown with a status bar.
A form can be compiled as a default dialog window, a child window (useful for instance in tab controls) or as a multiple document interface (MDI) dialog window. Select the appropiate option before compiling. The option 'Initially Hidden' applies only to child windows, where a form will be invisible when it is first started. Methods are also compiled to allow hiding and unhiding the form.
Multiple forms can be created or open and edited simultaneously. If you are working on multiple forms saving a session ( from the "Tools" menu ) will allow you to resume where you stopped off.
When a form is compiled to disk it will use the same name as the binary form file but with a .frm extension. If a form has been designed and compiled and will not need to be modified at a later time the corresponding binary .ff file can be deleted if desired.
To set the position of the compiled form on screen move the mini window in the Monitor window or alternatively set the position in the form property window .
The status bar displays some properties of the currently selected control.